Mariceliz Pagán Gómez

Mariceliz Pagán Gómez is an artist from Puerto Rico. Her work focuses on the transformative qualities of the body and nature and the relationship between biological process and artistic process explored through printmaking drawing and sculpture. Recent work explores the aesthetic and emotional engagement with the natural environment and conveys the experience of living and creating between different places by portraying abstracted local landscapes and natural specimens and structures from the Midwest and the Caribbean.

Mariceliz graduated with a Bachelors of Art from The University of Puerto Rico- Rio Piedras in 2017 and is currently an MFA candidate at the University of Iowa’s Printmaking Program. Her work has been featured in the University of Iowa’s Levitt Gallery, Utah State University Tippets and Eccles Galleries, Museo Francisco Oller, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, Diagonal, El Cuadrado Gris, Tres 50 Espacio Cultural, Galería Guatíbiri, among others.

“Artists and scientists are both asking questions about the world, they’re just doing it in different ways”
Alex Braidwood
Director, Iowa Lakeside Lab Artists-in-Residence Program
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